Siamo lieti di presentarvi il programma completo dei talk per il Come To Code 2024!
Giuseppe Mastrandrea is a computer scientist, a machine learning teacher, and a web developer. Nerd since way before it became mainstream, Giuseppe holds an MsC in Computer Engineering, and he is madly in love with everything relates to the Web (although he sometimes feels he is pining with unrequited love). Since 2011 he’s working as a front-end developer at Frankhood, and he is serving as a computer science teacher in public school since 2017. He’s currently teaching at the Technical School Panetti Pitagora in Bari. In 2020 he started collaborating with Datamasters, teaching several courses of Python programming, and Machine Learning.
Laureato in Informatica all'università Bicocca di Milano. Dopo 1 anno della mia carriera lavorativa ho deciso di focalizzarmI sul frontend, in particolar modo usando React. Ricopro il ruolo di Senior Frontend Engineer in Edreams Odigeo e sono co-organizer del meetup Reactjs a Milano.
My programming career started writing real-time 3D engines in OpenGL and C++ while studying at school. Then, my first professional role was as a front-end developer, and UX designer as well for a year or so. After that, I joined Docebo as a FullStack Developer and moved into a Tech Lead role in August 2023. Overall, I've been working with software for about 10 years.
Sono un esploratore digitale con una forte passione per la tecnologia, i videogiochi, la musica e la fotografia. Ho iniziato la mia carriera professionale come sviluppatore e DevOps su un progetto totalmente serverless su AWS e ho proseguito per 3 anni come sviluppatore full-stack in IBM. Ho partecipato al sesto batch di pre-accelerazione per startup B4i, interessandomi particolarmente ai temi startup e fintech. Attualmente, mi occupo del modulo Leasing e dell’architettura software di un prodotto Finwave, esplorando costantemente nuove tecnologie nel settore fintech. Tendo a rivalutare spesso il lavoro già svolto per sperimentare soluzioni innovative e non fossilizzarmi su ciò che già conosco.
Bruno Fanini (PhD in Computer Science) focuses his R&D on real-time 3D graphics, immersive visualization, natural interaction and 3D user interfaces. He designs and develops open-source Web3D/WebXR tools, serious games, virtual museums and interactive applications targeting Cultural Heritage. He is responsible for different projects dealing with interactive 3D visualization, online 3D presentation, interaction models and immersive XR
Davide è un Full Stack developer in WeBeetle. Fin da piccolo ha nutrito una forte curiosità per il mondo tech, iniziando con l'hardware e poi esplorando la programmazione a scuola. Dopo diversi anni come Mobile Developer, ha seguito la sua passione per il web diventando Web Developer. Oggi contribuisce con entusiasmo allo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative, continuando a coltivare la sua passione per la tecnologia. Quando non è impegnato a scrivere codice, puoi trovarlo in sella alla sua moto, un'altra delle sue grandi passioni.
Passionate about IT, technology, music and cooking, I wander through the different areas of IT looking for the perfect formula to transform caffeine into code and complex architectures. A strong obsession with business flows and processes, in my free time I continue to deal with software development and lost tanukis.
Lorenzo is a web3 full-stack developer and mentor at He spends his days writing code, helping others, and trying to learn new things. In his spare time, he is involved in the community, where he is the co-founder. He enjoys learning new things and telling other people about them. He is an enthusiastic developer of web3, blockchain, and smart contracts.
Tiziano has been a passionate programmer since he was just a kid and he’s always pursued this passion ever since. Currently, he works as a full-stack developer at, where he also holds the position of Dev manager, and he’s co-founder of the developer community
Luigi Fugaro è un esperto di informatica la cui passione è scaturita fin dai primi anni di interazione con il mondo dei videogiochi. Il suo interesse ha avuto inizio con le prime esperienze su Vic 20 e Atari ST1040, dove il desiderio di esplorare oltre i limiti dei giochi lo ha spinto a sperimentare con il codice dei videogiochi stessi, cercando di modificarlo per ottenere vantaggi come vite ed energia infinite. Questa curiosità lo ha portato naturalmente verso la programmazione, aprendogli la strada a un percorso professionale ricco e variegato. Nella sua carriera, Luigi ha padroneggiato una vasta gamma di linguaggi di programmazione, passando dal Fortran al Java, dal Go al Delphi, dal Visual Basic al Python, e al JavaScript (che considera borderline). Mentre non vede l'HTML come un linguaggio di programmazione in senso stretto, ne apprezza profondamente le potenzialità e le applicazioni. Con il tempo, Luigi ha ampliato i suoi interessi oltre la programmazione, esplorando ambiti come l'observability, il monitoring e la gestione dei dati. Un momento significativo nella sua carriera è stato l'incontro con Redis durante il suo periodo in Red Hat, dove ha scoperto l'importanza delle prestazioni per le applicazioni e per l'accesso al dato. Oggi, Luigi rimane animato da una forte passione e un incessante desiderio di crescere e imparare. Questo lo porta a iniziare numerosi side-project, sebbene raramente li porti a termine, con l'eccezione notevole dei suoi libri. La sua storia è quella di un professionista sempre in cerca di nuove sfide e possibilità di apprendimento nel dinamico mondo dell'informatica.
Carlo si occupa di web design e development da oltre 20 anni. Dopo un inizio da sviluppatore web, ha lasciato lo sviluppo per dedicarsi alla creazione di contenuti tecnici per testate giornalistiche e siti web nazionali e internazionali. Oggi lavora per Kinsta come Business Development Manager e content writer e collabora con Link utili: Maciek is a web developer working at Patchstack as a Security Community Manager. He has a background as a PHP developer. After hours he spends most of his time trying to find interesting guests for the "Code and Coffee Show" or cycling. Useful links:
I’m a web developer working at Patchstack as a Security Community Manager. I have a background as a PHP developer. After hours I spend most of my time trying to find interesting guests for the Code and Coffee Show or cycling.
Back end .Net Developer passionate about Cloud Native, board games and online gaming
Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer at SparkFabrik, a company that helps organisations build digital products with open source technologies. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating and sharing content that educates and inspires other developers, such as tech talks, videos, podcasts, conferences, and more. He enjoys connecting with the developer community and promoting the benefits of open source software.
Mi piace descrivermi come uno spirito aperto e curioso che attraversa i processi digitali del mondo dell'IT nel tentativo di renderli sempre più efficienti e affidabili. Possiedo una ventennale esperienza nell'ambito della creazione e della gestione di team di sviluppo in organizzazioni tecnologiche di diverse dimensioni, sia in Italia che all'estero. Mi occupo ogni giorno del disegno e della realizzazione di servizi ed applicazioni in ambiente cloud e on-premises ma anche dell'automazione del "Software Development LifeCycle", dalla build locale fino al rilascio negli ambienti di produzione. Partecipo regolarmente come speaker a conferenze e meetup sul territorio italiano, parlando di "best practices" di sviluppo. Attualmente ricopro il ruolo di Head of DevOps, KPI e Monitoring in Datlas Group. Per rimanere aggiornati sulle mie attività potete seguire
Dba Postgresql da più di 20 anni, partecipato a eventi nazionali e internazionali su postgresql , autore di 2 libri editi da Packt "Learn PostgreSQL" e "PostgreSQL 10 High Perfomance" -
Con oltre due decenni di esperienza come consulente nel settore dei sistemi informatici, ho maturato una profonda competenza nel campo, specializzandomi particolarmente in soluzioni basate su Linux. La mia carriera ha abbracciato l'evoluzione tecnologica partendo dalla configurazione hardware diretta, per poi esplorare il vasto panorama della virtualizzazione on-premise e successivamente estendere le mie abilitità al cosiddetto ambiente cloud, con un focus specifico sulla piattaforma Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Negli ultimi anni, la mia attività professionale si è concentrata principalmente sui mondo Google Cloud Platform e VMware. In questi due ambiti così diversi, trovo stimolante sperimentare con una varietà di strumenti destinati alla progettazione, realizzazione e monitoraggio degli ambienti IT. Come consulente, ho avuto l'opportunità di lavorare con diverse aziende, guidandole attraverso le sfide tecnologiche e innovando costantemente nelle soluzioni proposte.
I have been working in the IT industry for over 15 years. I currently deal with DevOps issues, Cloud Engineering, Cloud Native and everything that revolves around containerization and serverless at Lutech. I am Google Cloud Innovator Champion on the topic of modern architecture. I manage GDG Pescara together with other developers, I love sharing my knowledge and trying to do it in a fun way.
I'm a Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert and GitKraken Ambassador, I love JavaScript and TypeScript. In my free time, I love to study new technologies or something about improving myself and do trail running in my love Dolomiti.
Monica is a Principal Cloud Architect and an AWS DevTools Hero. Her background covers operations, Cloud, and notably DevOps, where automation and operational excellence guide her approach and solutions. Monica regularly speaks at tech conferences, sharing her expertise and insights. She also advocates for diversity, highlighting the need for better representation of women in the tech industry. Additionally, Monica writes technical articles and is involved in tech communities, organizing events and conferences.
I started my first computer at 10 and I never stopped researching and learning each single day from then. I’m a technology enthusiast, not meaning only the IT ones but every product of the mind that extends human abilities to solve a problem. I love solve problems, I can safely say that is what I'm doing since I started to work, and perhaps before.In the last few years I investigated the effectiveness of team management and the extraordinary results that a well motivated and focused team can reach. As a matter of fact, I learned every day how to effectively manage resources, how to resolve issues to build great teams and keep it running at the best.
I'm an experienced web developer and a passionate IT and electronics trainer, specializing in frontend development and enterprise applications built with Angular. I spend most of my time exploring what's new in the tech world and helping other developers improve their skills. As a conference speaker, I bring advanced Angular topics, tips for the integration of smart contracts and best solutions for web3 applications.
A decade spent writing software for various national and international companies. I am a fullstack with an eye for the web. I founded DevDay, a phisical community of developers in Campania. I write about computer science and programming on my blog, .
Cloud Data Engineer in BIP xTech e studentessa del Master di II livello al Politecnico di Milano. Animata da una passione incontenibile per la tecnologia e l'innovazione, il suo lavoro quotidiano si concentra su Google Cloud, sviluppo software, DevOps e microservizi. Oltre alle competenze tecniche, possiede una naturale capacità di interfacciarsi agevolmente con discipline diverse. La curiosità è il suo motore, che la spinge costantemente ad ampliare i propri orizzonti conoscitivi ed esperienziali.
Hey ciao! Mi chiamo Riccardo (aka TheZal) e sono un software engineer con la passione per combinare il mondo dello sviluppo con quelli fantasy. Credo fermamente nell'open source e cerco di supportarlo in qualsiasi forma, tra cui scrivere articoli per la mia rubrica sui progetti open source che solleticano la mente su Codemotion magazine. Quando non ho una tastiera sotto le dita mi diverto a giocare di ruolo a Dungeons and Dragons!
Node.js TSC, Principal Engineer @Platformatic, Polyglot Developer. RPG and LARP addicted and nerd on lot more. Surrounded by lovely chubby cats.
I'm a Solutions Architect at AWS and passionate about Serverless and Event-Driven-Architectures. I started my career as a consultant at IBM, where I made my first steps into Cloud, Containers, and Kubernetes. I also enjoy going to the gym, buying books, starting to read them, and forgetting they even existed.
I'm a Full Stack Developer in NearForm. I work mainly with Node.js and React. In my free time I like to read books and articles, cook, and walk in the nature. Take a look at my YT Channel
Sviluppatore freelance full stack (tecnologie principali: .NET, Nodejs, Angular, React) Formatore aziendale Docente post-diploma
I am a Cloud Software Architect at Polestar Cars, Sweden and an AWS Data Hero. I have been working in IT industry for 8+ years, of which last 5+ years have been spent tinkering with AWS. I enjoy solving business problems using cloud and technology. While architecting solutions, I have a tendency to put the domain first approach. Naturally I became a big fan of Domain Driven Design approach. I am very active in AWS space and I have spoken at various AWS Events such as AWS Community Day Stockholm 2020, AWS Summit Stockholm 2022 and many more. I also organise AWS User Group Gothenburg. I enjoy sharing what I learn through mentorship, twitter and technical talks at conferences.
Analista Programmatore…. Da troppi anni
Da sempre appassionato di programmazione full-stack, ossessionato dall'ottimizzazione nello sviluppo e nella gestione del team. Ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in ingegneria informatica ed il master in data science, di recente la certificazione PMP per project manager. Lavoro da 10 anni nella software house La Traccia.
Ivan is an Italian guy who loves coding and computer stuff. He lives in a small town in the north of Italy. Since 2014, he works as a software developer. He's mainly focused on server-side programming, especially in building Web APIs and serverless applications. Two of his major concerns about software development are code security and tests. During his spare time, he loves sharing his knowledge with the community by giving talks related to computer science stuff. He also writes technical blog posts sharing his expertise and best practices. He's also a mentor for junior developers and also for students who aim to be professional software developers in their lives. He tries to help everyone (without distinction in gender, nationality, age, and so on) with empathy and determination. He's also a course author. One of the things he loves most by far is problem-solving. His attitude reflects on Q&A platforms, like Stack Overflow, where he tries to help others figure out their challenges. He's a great listener. One of his mantras is: "We can learn everything from everyone.". He's funny and loves spending time with friends and geeks. During his activities, his primary goal is not to be toxic in the community. He always tries to help others with a smile without any distinction.
I am Sepehr (Sepi) Mohammadi, a dedicated Data Platform Engineer with DevOps mindset, Master’s in Computer Science and a wealth of experience spanning four years, specializing in the creation of data platforms within AWS environments. In my career, I've had the privilege of working with startups and early-stage companies, where I have crafted and delivered end-to-end data solutions built on scalable infrastructures. My expertise lies in developing analytical data platforms tailored for analytics engineers and data analysts, as well as robust infrastructures suited for machine learning applications.
vExpert 2024 - AWS Champion Instructor Linux Foundation Authorized Instructor - VMware Cert Instructor - AWS Authorized Instructor. Building on my technical knowledge of software, hardware and computing standards. I like to be part of the learning path of each one of my students, so i like the most to leave a mark on each one of them merging the course with their day to day action. Loving also to build knowledge sharing my consideration and my expertise and gaining knowledge from the students. Hope to see you soon, keep studying.
Nicola Marco Decandia has dedicated numerous years to the study and practice of Linux operating systems, emerging as a key figure in the field. In addition to his extensive hands-on experience, Nicola has collaborated closely with businesses and open-source projects, actively contributing to the evolution of the Linux ecosystem. Owing to his continuous commitment and in-depth expertise, he has been recognized as a CNCF Ambassador, an Official Instructor for the Linux Foundation, and a SUSE Certified Instructor. Presently, Nicola serves as the CEO of Desotech, a premier training company specializing in cloud-native technologies. There, he helms a team of experts dedicated to introducing emerging technologies to businesses globally. His fervor for containerization, kernel architecture, and cloud-native solutions propels him to undertake meticulous research and present lectures across the world, all in an effort to disseminate knowledge and encourage innovation in the industry